2.6. University management system

The ASU structure: 3 institutes (Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences; Institute for Southern Russia and Caspian Region Studies, Institute of Physics and Mathematics), 16 faculties, ASU College, ASU Znamensk Branch, Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens. The management bodies are University Employees and Students Conference, University Academic Council, Rector, University President, University Guardian Council. 9 directorates, 7 project offices, 4 departments, Unit of Internal Financial Audit, Unit of Information Security, Law Unit are functioning.

After merging ASUACE with ASU, the “Academy of Architecture and Construction” will be created, which will include ASU Faculty of Architecture and Design. Several administrative divisions of ASUACE will be abolished. All the best – the scientific school, the teaching staff, students traditions will be adopted from ASUACE and unified corporate culture will be formed with the preservation of the academic values system, which will allow “gently” and quickly integrate into the ASU system.

ASU’s organizational management structure is sound; it will not change significantly. In order to improve the efficiency of university management, it is planned to change the management system within the university.

The main organizational principles of the ASU management system and development program, as well as various associations (including consortium) are: integration into a single planning system – individual programs (roadmaps) of the activity of employees, structural divisions, the University; openness and publicity in making management decisions, involvement of the university staff in the implementation of events; ensuring methodological and informational unity of the Program (systems of criteria for evaluation of the results of activities, forms of presenting the information about events at all stages, reporting forms, monitoring procedures and algorithms for predictive evaluation of the results); embedding projects of interfaculty, interdepartmental interaction of project teams in the system of financial responsibility within project management; ensuring adequate representation of the university staff, public authorities, industrial and scientific-educational partners and the public in management.

The head of the Program is the Rector of the University, who is personally responsible for its implementation, results, purposeful and effective use of the allocated financial resources; he also determines the forms and methods of managing its implementation. General coordination of work on the Program and interaction with consortium participants will be carried out by the Directorate of Strategic Development Programs (DSDP), the University structural unit. The main activities of the DSDP are organization, monitoring and control of the Program implementation; coordination of strategic projects implementation and interaction with project teams; interaction with external organizations and experts.

The University Academic Council considers materials on the activities implementation; organises inspections of the implementation of activities and efficient use of funds; identifies problems and prepares recommendations for enhancing efficiency of activities implementation, taking into account the implementation process of the Program and trends in the social and economic development of the region and the Russian Federation. The University President considers the results of the program activities implementation of preserving traditions and accordance with university strategic development; prepares recommendations taking into account the way of the its implementation and trends of social and economic development of the country. The University Guardian Council considers materials on the activities implementation related to the usage of extrabudgetary funding sources in order to control expenses; organizes activities to attract extrabudgetary funds; analyses the effectiveness of the policy in education, research and innovation.

The management model will be based on the decomposition of the Program performance indicators to the level of competence centers performance indicators. The management mechanism assumes a high level of independence of project team leaders, who will manage financial resources and be personally responsible for achieving indicators. Project team leaders are part of the DSDP and are responsible for implementing projects and events.